Dutch Oven Pork Shoulder with Lemon, Rosemary, Fennel
  1. Make your rub from the garlic, lemon zest, rosemary, sea salt, fennel seeds, black pepper.
  2. Make slits in the pork shoulder and coat with the rub.
  3. Let sit for at least 3 hours, but can go up to a day or two.
  4. Let pork shoulder warm up for one hour before cooking. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.
  5. Move pork shoulder to dutch oven and pour in the wine, extra seasoning, and onions. Cook covered for 2.5 to 3 hours at 300 degrees F.
  6. Take out the pork should and pull apart into large chunks.
  7. Cook 20 minutes at 425 degrees F.
  8. Flip chunks and cook 20 minutes more. Don’t stir during these last steps as you want the pork to brown.
  9. Serve.