Sumac Roast Chicken
Servings Prep Time
4 20
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
4 20
Cook Time
  1. Let your chicken sit out for an hour, sprinkle with salt pepper inside and out. Make sure to remove contents of cavity.
  2. While the chicken is sitting out, chop up vegetables and toss to coat with olive oil.
  3. Measure out your spices and split in two (one for chicken and one for vegetables).
  4. Preheat your oven to 425 and preheat your cast iron skillets in there for ~5 minutes
  5. Once chicken is ready, rub the spices and some olive oil all over and some in cavity. Add the second half of spices to vegetables.
  6. Add chicken to pan and arrange vegetables around it. Add remaining vegetables to second pan.
  7. Add both pans to oven and cook for 50-60 minutes. If you have a meat thermometer you want to go to 155 degrees (will continue climbing to 165 after removing)
  8. Remove chicken and let sit for 10 minutes. Remove vegetables as well. Serve.