All posts by Brent

This blog is a collection of cast iron recipes that I make for my family. Hopefully you enjoy and don't hesitate if you have any questions. Thanks!

Meat Loaf with Mushroom Gravy

One of the great features of my cast iron pans is the ability to throw them in the oven. There are many existing recipes that I use that I started converting from baking dishes to cast iron. One of the...

/ November 27, 2020

Dutch Oven Pork Shoulder with Lemon, Rosemary, Fennel

Lately been making more meals in my dutch oven. I have a slow cooker and a pressure cooker but most times I’d rather just use my dutch oven. Don’t get me wrong, those methods have their place for certain things...

/ May 28, 2020

Grilled Fennel

Last weekend was a clean the refrigerator out day and I had some leftover ingredients that I needed to use. I had a couple Fennel bulbs left over and found a recipe for these in my Plenty cookbook. Not only...

/ May 8, 2020

Pork Chops With Mustard & Mint

This is a variation of a recipe I made a few weeks ago, the Tarragon Lemon Pork Chops. I wanted to test out that recipe with thin cut pork chops to double check my timings, and try a new sauce....

/ May 8, 2020

Vegetable Paella

This is another recipe that I got from Ottolenghi’s Plenty. I recently had Carne Asada and wanted to try something a little different than mexican rice. This was a very satisfying part of the meal that was really the co-main...

/ April 27, 2020

Carne Asada

Who doesn’t love Carne Asada. There something about the crispy outside and all the flavor. You can make this with skirt state, flat iron, or flank steak. Flat iron is all the store had this time, so that’s what I...

/ April 27, 2020

Garlic Chili Broccoli

This is a recipe that I came across in one of my cookbooks, Ottolenghi. For years I’ve been playing around with broccoli and there was always this small margin of error in getting the right amount of doneness. Roast broccoli...

/ April 23, 2020

Sumac Roast Chicken

This chicken meal was a really easy recipe that I’m sure I’ll be making again. The prep is pretty straightforward, you just need to make sure you plan ahead a little as the chicken takes about an hour. Also, I...

/ April 21, 2020

Cinnamon Meatballs

Have your meatball meals become mundane? This sums up how my family felt. They always liked eating meatballs, but it was one of those meals that become a go-to one to many times. There was nothing special or exciting about...

/ April 16, 2020