Category: Side Dish

Grilled Fennel
Last weekend was a clean the refrigerator out day and I had some leftover ingredients that I needed to use. I had a couple Fennel bulbs left over and found a recipe for these in my Plenty cookbook. Not only...

Egg Roll Slaw
Was looking for a new side dish and came across the this recipe for a egg roll-like slaw. This is shocking easy to make and exploding with flavor. For some reason, I always have issues finding coleslaw mix so I...

Mediterranean Potatoes
This is a side dish that is a constant staple at our house. I can often prep this in under 5 minutes and cook it at the same time as my main dish. I also tend to make a lot...

Sautéed Green Beans
I’m always trying to find ways to make vegetables that my family actually likes to eat. For some reason my kids tend to like green beans more than other vegetables so this is a go-to side dish. One problem with...