There’s not much better than seared chicken thighs. One of my favorite approaches is using mediterranean spices and serving with a variety of easy to make sides like pickles, olives, feta, potatoes, rice. This is a really versatile dish as you can eat with a pita and use different sauces or just eat it by itself. Often times I like to use hummus as the sauce if I’m really pinched for time but in this recipe I used a quick coconut milk sauce with dill, citrus, and garlic. My family loved pouring the sauce over everything that I served this with and liked that the sauce was relatively light.

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Mediterranean Chicken
Chicken Thighs
Coconut Milk Garlic Sauce
Chicken Thighs
Coconut Milk Garlic Sauce
Chicken Thighs
  1. Add all chicken to bowl and coat with olive oil, garlic, coriander, paprika, cumin, allspice, and salt
  2. Cover and move to fridge for 30 minutes
  3. Preheat cast iron pan on level 6 for 5 minutes
  4. Start cooking the chicken thighs in batches. Typical cooking time is 6-7 minutes per side. You should have a nice sear on both sides.
  5. Serve
Coconut Milk Garlic Sauce
  1. Empty coconut milk into bowl
  2. Add garlic, dill, salt, lemon/lime juice.
  3. Stir everything together and serve with chicken thighs.

Posted by Brent

This blog is a collection of cast iron recipes that I make for my family. Hopefully you enjoy and don't hesitate if you have any questions. Thanks!

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